Dear 2018 Self


Plan that trip to AK - Olympic - Badlands - the Faroe Islands that you've been meaning to take / Don't skip leg day / Go to bed early / Read all those books you've been stockpiling / Wear more pink? / Tell your parents that you love them every chance you get; call your friends back / Be kind to yourself and at the end of the day, don't sweat the small stuff

The Year in Review: 2017

I'll leave it to Dave Barry to summarize the world in 2017, but as for me: I woke up on January 1st in my sleeping bag the middle of the Grand Canyon, said hello to Portland, the Bay Area, Colorado, Vermont, Boston, Catalina, Arizona, Lodore Canyon and Annapolis, then fell asleep on December 31st in my bed in Utah. Aside from the ongoing circus that is our current world climate, this past year felt relatively tame in my little life, a result that I've come to realize is due to the fact that after two and a half years in Utah, I'm finally learning to call SLC home. ♥

Related –The Year in Review: 201620152014